



Bodrum Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel'in web sitesini ziyaret ettiğiniz ve gösterdiğiniz ilgi için teşekkür ederiz. Kişisel verilerinizin korunmasını ciddiye alıyoruz ve veri gizliliği ve veri güvenliği ile ilgili yasal düzenlemelere uygun hareket ediyoruz.

Bodrum Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel'i, Hapimag AG İsviçre'nin bir iştiraki olan Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş. (‘HAPIMAG’) tarafından işletilmektedir.

İşbu Gizlilik Beyanı, Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş. tarafından işletilmekte olan internet sitesinin (‘Site’) işletilmesi sırasında Site kullanıcıları/ziyaretçileri (‘Veri Sahibi’) tarafından Şirket ile paylaşılan kişisel verilerin kullanımına ilişkin koşul ve şartları açıklayarak sizi bilgilendirmek amacı ile oluşturulmuştur. HAPIMAG tarafından sunulan hizmet kısaca ‘Hizmet’ olarak anılacaktır.


Thank you for visiting our website and for your interest in the Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel in Bodrum. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and act in accordance with the applicable legal provisions on data privacy and data security.

The Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel in Bodrum is operated by Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş. (“HAPIMAG”), a subsidiary of Hapimag AG, Switzerland.

This "Privacy Statement" is intended to inform you about the terms and conditions for the use of personal data that is shared by the website users/visitors ("Data Subject") with the Company during the use of ("Website") that is operated by Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş. ("Company"). The service offered by HAPIMAG will be referred to as "Service".




Sunulan hizmetin bir parçası olarak HAPIMAG, veri sahiplerine ilişkin kişisel bilgileri işbu “Gizlilik Beyanı” kapsamında toplayabilir, muhafaza edebilir ve/veya aktarabilir. Bu tür kişisel veri işleme faaliyetleri, 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu (“KVKK”) ‘na uygun olarak yürütülür.


Sitemiz, üçüncü taraf web sitelerine giden bağlantılar içermekte olup verileriniz üçüncü kişilere aktarılabilir. Bu “Gizlilik Beyanı”, bilgi aktarımı yapılan üçüncü tarafların gizlilik uygulamalarını yansıtmamaktadır ve onların gizlilik politikalarından ve/ veya kişisel verileri işleme faaliyetlerinden HAPIMAG sorumlu değildir. İşbu “Gizlilik Beyanı” HAPIMAG’ın kendi kontrolü dışındaki uygulamalar, üçüncü taraflara ait web siteleri ve/veya platformlar tarafından toplanılan bilgiler, üçüncü taraflarca HAPIMAG web sitesindeki bağlantılar üzerinden toplanan bilgiler veya HAPIMAG’ın sponsor olduğu ve/veya katıldığı üçüncü taraf web siteleri üzerindeki başlıklar, kampanyalar ve diğer reklam veya tanıtımları kapsamamaktadır. Üçüncü tarafların kendi web siteleri yoluyla topladığı, sakladığı ve kullandığı kişisel verilere yönelik yapılan işlemlerden HAPIMAG sorumlu olmayıp bu sitelerde kişisel bilgi vermeniz ve/veya bu siteleri kullanmanız / ziyaret etmeniz halinde o sitelerdeki gizlilik politikası ve hizmet kullanım şartları geçerlidir.


As part of the service offered, HAPIMAG may collect, store and transfer the personal information belonging to Data Subjects  in line with this "Privacy Statement". Such personal data processing activities shall be carried out in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data No. 6698.


Our site contains links to third-party websites and your data may be transferred to third parties. This "Privacy Statement" does not reflect the privacy practices of the third parties to whom information is transferred, and HAPIMAG assumes no responsibility for their privacy policies and/or personal data processing activities. This "Privacy Statement" shall not apply to the information collected by the applications beyond HAPIMAG's control, third parties’ websites and platforms, the information collected by third parties through the links on HAPIMAG's website or by the headlines, campaigns and other advertisement or promotions on the third parties' websites which HAPIMAG sponsors and/or participates. HAPIMAG is not responsible for the transactions carried out with respect to the personal data that third parties collect, store and use through their website. If you provide personal information and/or use/visit these sites, the Privacy Statement and the terms of use of those sites apply.







İşbu Gizlilik Beyanı’nın konusunu kişisel veriler ve özel nitelikli kişiler veriler oluşturmaktadır.

KVKK uyarınca kişisel veri ve özel nitelikli kişisel verinin tanımı aşağıda yapılmıştır.

Kişisel veri: Kimliği belirli veya belirlenebilir gerçek kişiye ilişkin her türlü bilgidir.

Özel nitelikli kişisel veri ise kişilerin ırkı, etnik kökeni, siyasi düşüncesi, felsefi inancı, dini, mezhebi veya diğer inançları, kılık ve kıyafeti, dernek, vakıf ya da sendika üyeliği, sağlığı, cinsel hayatı, ceza mahkûmiyeti ve güvenlik tedbirleriyle ilgili verileri ile biyometrik ve genetik verilerdir.


The subject of this Privacy Statement is personal data and sensitive personal data.

The definition of personal data and sensitive personal data in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data is made below.

Personal data: All kinds of information regarding an identified or identifiable natural person.

Sensitive Personal data: Race, ethnic origin, political opinion, philosophical belief, religion, sect or other beliefs, dress, association, foundation or union membership, health, sexual life, criminal conviction, security measures, biometric and genetic data.






Şirket tarafından, Site’de verilen Hizmetler kapsamında bazı kişisel bilgileriniz işlenmektedir. Bu kişisel bilgiler şunları içerebilir: Kimlik bilgileriniz, iletişim bilgileriniz, kullanıcı /müşteri işlem bilgileriniz (rezervasyonunuzla doğrudan ilgili gerekli bilgiler, Otel’de konaklamanız ve ziyaretiniz ile ilgili bilgiler, Ürün veya hizmet satın almanızla ilgili bilgiler,vb), ödeme bilgileriniz, sizinle birlikte konaklama yapan kişilerin bilgileri, pazarlama ve iletişim tercihlerinize ilişkin kayıtlar, IP adresiniz, sitemizde görüntülediğiniz sayfalar, sitemizi mobil cihazınız ile ziyaret etmeniz halinde mobil cihazınızı tanıtan veriler ve bize vermeyi açıkça tercih ettiğiniz ve onayladığınız veya üçüncü kişilerden bu açık onayınız ile elde edebileceğimiz diğer her tür bilgi tarafımızdan toplanabilir, işlenebilir ve bu bilgiler kaydedilebilir. 


Ayrıca Site’de kullanıcı deneyimini geliştirmek, internet sitesinin verimli çalışmasını sağlamak ve istatistiki verileri takip etmek amacıyla çerezler kullanılmaktadır. Yukarıda anılan kişisel verilerden bazıları çerezler kullanılarak elde edilebilir ve kullanıcılar, Site’yi kullanarak bu çerezlerin kullanılmasını kabul etmiş sayılırlar. Çerezlerin işlevi, hangi tür çerezlerin kullanıldığı, kullanım amacı ve üçüncü kişilere yapılacak olan veri aktarımlarına ilişkin detaylı bilgi almak ve çerez tercihlerinizi değiştirmek için Çerez Politikası’nı inceleyebilirsiniz.


Some personal information is processed by the Company within the scope of the Services provided on the Site. These data may include: Your identity information, your contact details, user/customer transaction information (information about your booking, your stay at the hotel and your visit, product or service purchases, and etc.), your payment information, information of those who accommodate with you, your marketing and communication preferences, your IP address, pages viewed by you on our website; in case you visit our website via your mobile device, data and specifications describing your mobile device, as well as any other data that you explicitly select and approve to be disclosed to us or that we can obtain from third parties subject to your explicit consent, can be collected, processed or recorded by us.

In addition, cookies are used on the Site in order to improve the user experience, to ensure the efficient operation of the website, and to monitor statistical data. Some of the personal data mentioned above can be obtained using cookies, and users are deemed to have accepted the use of these cookies by using the Site. You can review our Cookie Policy to learn more about the function of cookies, the type of cookies used, the intended use, data transfers to third parties, and how to change your cookie preferences.





Kişisel bilgileriniz, HAPIMAG’dan talep ettiğiniz hizmetin tarafınıza en iyi şekilde sağlanması, size sunulan ürün ve hizmetler ile talep ve beklentilerinizin gerçekleştirilmesi, müşterilerimize arzu edilen düzeyde konukseverlik ve kişisel deneyim sunulabilmesi, ürün ve hizmetlerimizden müşterilerimizi faydalandırmak için gerekli planlama, değerlendirme ve çalışmaların iş birimlerimiz tarafından yapılması; otelcilik ve konaklama hizmetlerimize ilişkin yazışma, bildirim ve rezervasyon onaylarının sağlanması; ürün ve hizmetlerin ilgili kişilerin beğeni, kullanım alışkanlıkları ve ihtiyaçlarına göre özelleştirilerek sunulması; ilgili kişilerden gelen talep, öneri ve şikayetlerin takibi, değerlendirilmesi, müşteri memnuniyeti yönetimi ve bu kapsamda planlama, istatistik ve memnuniyet değerlendirme çalışmalarının uygulanması; ticari, hukuki ve iş stratejilerinin belirlenmesi ve uygulanması, HAPIMAG’ın ve HAPIMAG ile iş ilişkisi içerisinde olan ilgili kişilerin hukuki, teknik ve ticari-iş güvenliğinin temini, iş ve ticari ilişkilerin yürütülmesi amaçlarıyla işlenebilmektedir.

Kişisel bilgileriniz, ayrıca daha iyi ve güvenilir ürün ve hizmet verebilmek ve sürdürülebilirliği sağlamak için kalite değerlendirme ve iyileştirme çalışmalarının yapılması ve üçüncü kişilerin hizmet sağlayıcı olarak teknik, lojistik ve benzeri diğer işlevlerini bizim adımıza yerine getirmelerini sağlanması gibi amaçlarla da işlenebilmektedir.

Ayrıca kişisel bilgileriniz, açık rızanız olması koşuluyla ürün ve hizmetlerimize yönelik reklam ve pazarlama faaliyetlerinin yürütülerek tanıtım, promosyon, kampanya, teklif, bülten, etkinlik ve benzeri konularda bilgilendirme yapılması ve diğer pazarlama iletişimleri için de kullanılabilir.

Yukarıdaki amaçlar doğrultusunda topladığımız kişisel verilerinizi aşağıda belirtilen hukuki sebeplerden bir veya birkaçına dayanarak işlemekteyiz:

Açık rızanızın bulunması,

Kanunlarda açıkça öngörülmesi,

Fiili imkânsızlık nedeniyle rızasını açıklayamayacak durumda bulunan veya rızasına hukuki geçerlilik tanınmayan kişinin kendisinin ya da bir başkasının hayatı veya beden bütünlüğünün korunması için zorunlu olması,

Bir sözleşmenin kurulması veya ifasıyla doğrudan doğruya ilgili olması kaydıyla, sözleşmenin taraflarına ait kişisel verilerin işlenmesinin gerekli olması,

Veri sorumlusunun hukuki yükümlülüğünü yerine getirebilmesi için zorunlu olması,

İlgili kişinin kendisi tarafından alenileştirilmiş olması,

Bir hakkın tesisi, kullanılması veya korunması için veri işlemenin zorunlu olması,

İlgili kişinin temel hak ve özgürlüklerine zarar vermemek kaydıyla, veri sorumlusunun meşru menfaatleri için veri işlenmesinin zorunlu olması.

İşlediğimiz tüm kişisel verilerinizi, KVKK ve diğer mevzuatta zorunlu kılınan sürelere uygun şekilde ve her halükârda yukarıdaki meşru amaçlar ortadan kalkmadığı müddetçe gerekli tüm idari ve teknik tedbirleri almak suretiyle muhafaza etmekteyiz.


Your personal data are processed to provide you the services that you require from HAPIMAG in the best way possible; to realize your requests and expectations through the services offered to you; to provide our customers the desired level of hospitality and personal experience; planning, evaluation and work done by our business units in order to benefit our customers from our products and services; to provide confirmations for correspondence, notification and bookings related to our hotel and accommodation services; to offer products and services tailored to people's tastes, usage habits and needs; to follow up and evaluate requests, suggestions and complaints; to manage guest satisfaction and implement planning, statistics and satisfaction evaluations in this context; to determine and implement commercial, legal and business strategies; to provide legal, technical and commercial/business security of HAPIMAG  and for persons who have business relations with HAPIMAG; and to carry out business and commercial relations.

Your personal data may be further processed to provide better and more reliable products and to perform quality assessment and improvement services for maintaining sustainability, to allow third parties, in their capacity as service providers, to fulfill technical, logistic and other similar functions on behalf of us.



Moreover, your personal data may be used for advertising and marketing activities related to our products and services provided that you have given explicit consent, and to inform you about our promotions, campaigns, offers, bulletins, events and similar issues and other marketing communications.

We process your personal data that we collect in line with the purposes mentioned above, based on one or more of the following legal reasons:

-Your explicit consent,

-If the applicable laws and regulations of the Republic of Turkey dictates the processing necessary,
-In case it is mandatory to preserve the life or bodily integrity of you or someone else while you are physically incapacitated and therefore unable to give consent,
-In case it is required for the performance of the contract we have concluded with you or your company,

-When it is necessary to process your personal data in order to fulfill our legal obligations,
-If you publicized your personal data,

-If it is required for the exercise or protection of our legal or contractual rights as a company,
-In case the processing of your personal data is necessary for our legitimate interests, without damaging your fundamental rights and freedoms.


We protect all your personal data that we process in accordance with the deadlines set by  the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and other legislation, and in all cases, taking all necessary administrative and technical measures, as long as the above-mentioned legitimate reasons remain valid.




Şirket bünyesinde işlenmekte olan verilerinize ilişkin olarak aşağıda sayılan haklarınızın bulunduğunu belirtmek isteriz:

(1) Kişisel verilerinizin işlenip işlenmediğini öğrenme,

(2) Kişisel verileriniz işleniyorsa bunlara ilişkin bilgi edinme,

(3) Kişisel verilerinizin işlenme amacının ne olduğu ve kişisel verilerinizin amacına uygun olarak kullanılıp kullanılmadığını öğrenme,

(4) Varsa yurtiçinde veya yurtdışında verilerin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilerin kimler olduğunu ve hangi verilerin aktarıldığını öğrenme,

(5) İşlenen kişisel verilerin eksik veya yanlış olması halinde bunların düzeltilmesini isteme,
(6) Kişisel verilerinizin düzeltilmesi, silinmesi ya da yok edilmesi halinde bu işlemlerin kişisel verilerinizin aktarıldığı üçüncü kişilere bildirilmesini isteme,

(7) Kişisel verilerinizin işlenmesini gerektiren sebeplerin ortadan kalkması veya kişisel verilerinizin güncelliğini kaybetmesi halinde, işlenmiş olunan kişisel verilerinizin silinmesini veya yok edilmesini isteme,

(8) İşlenen kişisel verilerinizin münhasıran otomatik sistemler vasıtasıyla analiz edilmesi suretiyle aleyhinize bir sonucun ortaya çıkmasına itiraz etme,

(9) Kişisel verilerinizin kanuna aykırı olarak işlenmesi sebebiyle zarara uğramanız halinde zararın giderilmesini talep etme haklarına sahipsiniz.

Yukarıda yer alan taleplerinize ilişkin başvuru işlemleri için Kişisel Verilerin Korunmasına İlişkin Aydınlatma Metni'ni inceleyebilir ve taleplerinizi, KVKK Kapsamında Başvuru Formu’nu doldurup yazılı olarak veya kayıtlı elektronik posta adresi, güvenli elektronik imza, mobil imza veya tarafımıza daha önce bildirdiğiniz ve sistemimizde kayıtlı olan elektronik posta adresiniz vasıtasıyla iletebilirsiniz.

Talepleriniz, talebin niteliğine göre en kısa sürede ve en geç otuz gün içerisinde ücretsiz olarak değerlendirilerek sonuçlandıracaktır.

Şirket’e yöneltilen talepleri kabul edebilir veya gerekçesini açıklamak suretiyle reddedebilir ve bu cevabı yazılı olarak veya elektronik ortamda talepte bulunan kişiye iletebiliriz. Talebin kabul edilmesi halinde, Şirket olarak talebin gereğini derhal yerine getirmekle yükümlüyüz. Yöneltmiş olduğunuz taleplerin Şirket tarafından reddedilmesi, Şirket tarafından verilen cevaptan memnun kalmamanız veya cevap verilmemesi halinde, cevabın tarafınıza bildirildiği tarihten itibaren 30 gün ve cevap verilmemesi halinde 30 günlük sürenin sonundan itibaren 30 gün içerisinde Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurulu’na şikâyette bulunabilirsiniz.

Bunun dışında HAPIMAG tarafından sunulan Hizmet’e ilişkin herhangi bir ticari elektronik ileti almak istememeniz halinde de buna ilişkin ret hakkınızı da

adresine yapacağınız bildirim ile ücretsiz olarak kullanabilirsiniz.


We would like to state that you have the following rights regarding your data being processed within the company:

(1) To learn whether your personal data are processed or not,

(2) To request further information if your personal data are processed,
(3) To learn the purposes of your data processing and whether your data are used for the intended purposes,

(4) To know the third parties to whom your personal data are transferred domestically or abroad,
(5) To request correction of any incomplete or inaccurate data,
(6) In case your personal data are corrected, deleted or destroyed, to request notification of such operations to third parties to whom your personal data have been transferred,
(7) To request the deletion or destruction of your personal data if the reasons that require the processing of your personal data are no longer valid or your personal data are out of date,
(8) To object to any unfavorable consequence occurred as a result of the automatic analysis of your data,

(9) To request compensation for the damages arising out of the unlawful processing of your personal data.

You may examine the Clarification Text regarding the protection of personal data for the application procedures regarding your requests above.  You may send your requests regarding your rights mentioned above, by filling out The Application Form within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data and posting it in written form or by registered electronic mail address, secure electronic signature, mobile signature or by e-mail address which you have previously given us and registered in our system.





Your requests will be responded as soon as possible and free of charge, no later than 30 days after we receive it depending on the nature of the request.


We may accept any requests directed to the Company or deny the request with justification, and disclose our decision in written or electronic form to the applicant. If the request is accepted, as the Company, we are obliged to fulfill the request immediately. In the event that your request is rejected by the Company, you are not satisfied with the response given by the Company, or you are not responded to; you can file a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Board within 30 days after the date of notification or if you are not responded to, within 30 days beginning from the end of the 30-day period.


In addition, if you do not want to receive any commercial electronic communications related to the Service provided by HAPIMAG, you may also exercise your right to unsubscribe by sending a notification to, free of charge.





HAPIMAG, ilgili mevzuat icabı daha uzun bir saklama süresinin gerekli kılınmadığı ya da buna izin verilmediği takdirde, Kişisel Veri’lerinizi, işbu “Gizlilik Politikası’nda belirtilen işleme amaçlarının gerektirdiği süre boyunca saklayacaktır.


Buna ek olarak, Şirket, Veri Sahibi ile arasında doğabilecek herhangi bir uyuşmazlık durumunda, uyuşmazlık kapsamında gerekli savunmaların gerçekleştirilebilmesi amacıyla sınırlı olmak üzere ve ilgili mevzuat uyarınca belirlenen zamanaşımı süreleri boyunca kişisel verileri saklayabilecektir. 


HAPIMAG shall store your Personal Data for a period of time as defined in this Privacy Statement, unless a longer period of storage is required or permitted as a matter of the related legislation.


In addition, in the event of any disputes that may arise between the Data Subject and the Company, the Company shall be able to store the personal data during the period of limitation specified in accordance with the applicable legislation, limited for the purpose of the necessary legal defenses.





HAPIMAG, kişisel bilgileri kesinlikle gizli tutmayı, bunu bir sır saklama yükümü olarak addetmeyi ve kişisel verilerin gizliliği, güvenliği ve bütünlüğünü korumak için gerekli ve makul korumaları sağlamak, söz konusu verilerin herhangi bir kayba, suiistimale, hukuka aykırı kullanıma ya da değişikliğe uğramaması ve kişisel bilginin tamamının veya herhangi bir kısmının, yasal yükümlülükleri saklı kalmak kaydıyla, kamu alanına girmesini veya yetkisiz kullanımını veya üçüncü bir kişiye ifşasını önlemek için gerekli tüm tedbirleri almayı ve gerekli özeni göstermeyi taahhüt etmektedir.


Site üzerinden başka uygulamalara bağlantı verilmesi halinde, Şirket uygulamaların gizlilik politikaları ve içeriklerine yönelik herhangi bir sorumluluk taşımamaktadır.


HAPIMAG is committed to taking all necessary measures and showing due diligence, to keep personal information strictly confidential, to consider it a confidentiality obligation and to protect the privacy, security and integrity of personal data in order to provide necessary and reasonable protections, not to cause any loss, misuse, unlawful use or alteration of such data, and to prevent all or any part of personal information from being disclosed publicly, or from unauthorized use or disclosure by a third party, provided that legal liabilities are reserved.


In the event that a link is made to other applications through the Site, the Company shall not be responsible for the privacy policies and contents of those applications.




HAPIMAG, gizlilik ve veri koruma prensiplerini güncel tutmak ve ilgili mevzuata uygun hale getirmek için işbu Gizlilik Politikası’nın içeriğini dilediği zaman değiştirebilir. Değişen Gizlilik Politikası HAPIMAG web sitesinde ilan edilecektir. Bu nedenle Gizlilik Politikası’nı periyodik olarak gözden geçirmenizi öneririz. HAPIMAG’ın değişiklik yaptığı Gizlilik Politikası hükümleri Site’de yayınlandığı tarihte yürürlük kazanır. Site’nin değişiklik yapıldıktan sonra da kullanılmaya devam edilmesi, değişikliklerin tarafınızdan kabul edilmiş olduğu anlamına gelecektir.


HAPIMAG may change the contents of this Privacy Statement at any time to keep the privacy and data protection principles up-to-date and to comply with the applicable legislation. Any changes to the Privacy Statement will be shared on the HAPIMAG website. We therefore recommend that you review the Privacy Statement periodically. The amended provisions of the Privacy Statement by HAPIMAG shall to be effective on the date of publication on the Site. If you continue to use the Site after the policy has been amended, it means that you accept the changes.




İşbu Politika’nın yorumlanması veya uygulanması ile ilgili sorularınızı, çekincelerinizi veya şikayetlerinizi aşağıda yer alan iletişim adreslerine iletebilirsiniz.


You may send your questions, comments or complaints regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Statement to the contact addresses below.




Controller and owner of the data collection is:

Veri Sorumlusu:


Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Gümüşsuyu, İnönü Caddesi No:18 Gümüşsu Palas D:8

34437 Beyoğlu – İstanbul


If you have any questions or queries, you may contact us as follows:
Herhangi bir sorunuz olması durumunda, bize aşağıda yazılı olan adres üzerinden ulaşabilirsiniz:

Hapimag Turistik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş.

Yalı Mahallesi, Yalıdağ Caddesi No: 42

48400 Bodrum – Muğla - Türkiye

Tel      +90 252 311 1280

Fax      +90 252 311 1281



Son Güncelleme Tarihi: 

Last Update Date:








  1. Personal data

Under the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), personal data refers to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. Personal data refers to information assigned to you personally (hereinafter the “data subject”) and may convey something about you.

  1. Legal basis for processing

The legal basis for processing personal data is deemed to be the principles of Article 6 (1) GDPR, specifically

-          a) if the data subject has given consent;

-          b) if processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party. This also applies to the steps required prior to entering into a contract.

-          c) if our company must comply with a legal obligation;

-          d) if the compelling interests of the data subject or another natural person are to be protected;

-          e) if processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in our company;

-          f) if processing is required for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by our company or a third party, and the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject will not be overridden. The legitimate interest of our company lies in carrying out our business activity.    

  1. Collection and processing of personal data

We use the data you have given without your explicit consent solely for the necessary performance and processing of the services offered and on the basis of legitimate interests. On completion of the services, your data are excluded from further use and are deleted after the storage time limits have expired under tax and commercial law, provided you have not expressly given your consent for your data to be used further or there is no other legal justification.

The user is made clearly aware of the scope of any consent to be given upon registration for the respective service and that consent is recorded. The content of the consent given will be kept available for the user within the service. If you do not give your consent, we trust you will understand that you may not be able to take part in the respective service.

 3.1.                     Visiting our website

You may visit the website of the Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel without disclosing your identity. However, our web servers automatically save technical information of the device used for the visit, including the IP address, type of web browser, operating system, domain name of your internet service provider, date and duration of your visit to our internet pages and the website you came from to visit us. This information is evaluated anonymously for statistical purposes only.

These data are processed for the purpose of making navigation of the website easier (connection set-up), system security, technical administration of the network infrastructure as well as for optimising the internet offering, and as such on the basis of our legitimate interests under Article 6 (1) f GDPR and to protect users and prevent unauthorised use. We do not pass on these data to third parties or make any other kind of evaluation. We do not create a personal user profile.

3.2                     Contact through our website (contact form)

If there are any queries about the Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel and for a booking enquiry for special offers, we need the following personal data as a one-off to get in touch with you: first and last names, telephone number and e-mail address. These data are not passed on to third parties or used for marketing purposes.

For such enquiries, the personal data are processed for handling and administration under Article 6 (1) b GDPR.

The type of data we collect when the contact form is used can be seen on the contact form or it depends on your e-mail message. These data are saved and used solely for responding to your enquiry, for contacting you and for related technical administration work. After your enquiry has been processed, your data are deleted, provided you request this and there are no statutory storage obligations to prevent deletion.

  1. Compliance with legal provisions or public interest (Article 6 (1) c, e GDPR)

Like everyone involved in the economic process, we are also subject to a wide range of legal obligations. The primary ones are statutory requirements (e.g. commercial and tax law), but sometimes provisions of supervisory and other authorities too. The fulfilment of control and reporting requirements under tax law as well as the archiving of data for the purposes of data protection and data security plus audits by tax and other authorities are actions deemed to be for the purposes of processing. Personal data may also have to be disclosed under judicial and official measures for the purposes of collecting evidence, law enforcement or implementing claims under civil law.

  1. Use of cookies (cookie policy)

Cookies are used on various pages of our website. A cookie is a small text file stored on your hard drive by a website. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain any viruses. The cookies from our internet pages do not collect any kind of personal data. We use the information contained in cookies to make navigation on our websites easier for you and to tailor the information to your needs.

This website uses browser cookies (hereinafter “cookie”) to simplify use of this website (hereinafter “website”) and to obtain indicators about improving the information and services accessible via the website. This cookie policy gives you information about the use of cookies on the website.

How cookies work

Cookies are small text files that the browser stores on the user’s computer in a specific directory. For example, cookies enable text that has been input once to be saved in form fields on the website so that you do not have to enter this text again when you next visit the website or switch between individual functions.

Cookie settings

You can decide yourself whether our website’s web server can save cookies on your computer or not. You can choose at any time to set your browser to not accept or save cookies. Alternatively, before accepting a cookie, you can have a warning message appear or set the browser so that only cookies from certain websites are accepted. You can also delete cookies you have saved at any time.

We would like to point out that the use of some functions on our website may be limited or locked if you reject cookies from the website. To make it easier to use the website, we therefore recommend that you set your browser to accept cookies from the website.

Web analysis services, online marketing networks, third-party content

On the basis of our legitimate interests under Article 6 (1) f GDPR, we use web analysis services, online marketing networks and third-party services for the analysis, optimisation and commercial operation of our sites.

Web analysis services use cookies to collect data. The information they generate (e.g. IP address and browser type) may be transmitted in anonymised form to a server at the web analysis service in Switzerland or abroad for saving and processing. You can prevent the respective web analysis service from setting cookies on your computer and collecting data by setting your browser accordingly or setting an opt-out cookie.

Hapimag uses international online marketing networks such as DoubleClick to run its online marketing activities (e.g. for banners or affiliate programs). These networks use cookies to tailor marketing activities to the identifiable needs of customers. By setting opt-out cookies, you can prevent such online marketing networks from setting cookies on your computer and collecting data.

By using third-party services, third-party providers may become aware of the IP address of the users of third-party content, i.e. this is necessary to carry out offers of third-party providers. The commissioned third-party providers may also use pixel tags to evaluate information on visitor traffic or for statistical or marketing purposes. Furthermore, this information may be saved in cookies and on user devices. These cookies may therefore contain technical information on the browser used, operating system, time of visit and other details on the use of our websites and also be linked with this information from other sources.

  1. Web analysis services – data privacy at Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Conversion Tracking and Google Remarketing

Our website uses Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Conversion Tracking and Google Remarketing. These are services of Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”). Google uses cookies saved on your computer to analyse website usage. The information generated by the cookie (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the USA where it is stored. Google then abbreviates the IP address to the last three characters, which means the IP address can no longer be clearly assigned. Google observes the data protection requirements of the US Privacy Shield Framework and has registered with the US Department of Commerce for the Privacy Shield program.

Google uses this collected information to evaluate your website activity, to compile reports on website activities for the website operators and to supply us with further services related to website usage and internet usage. If necessary, Google will also transmit this information to third parties if this is legally required or if third parties are processing these data on behalf of Google.

Third-party providers, including Google, display advertisements on websites on the internet. Third parties, including Google, use stored cookies in order to display advertisements based on a user’s previous visits to our website.

You can opt out of the use of cookies by Google by accessing the page for Opt out of Google Advertising.

Alternatively, users may opt out of the use of cookies by third parties by accessing the Opt out page of the Network Advertising Initiative. You can also prevent the data related to your website activity (including your IP address) and data generated by the cookie from being recorded by Google and these data from being processed by Google. To do so, download and install the browser plug-in available at the following link:

However, we would like to point out that if you do so, you may not be able to use all functions of this website in full. By using this website, you agree to Google processing the data it has collected about you in the manner described above and for the aforementioned purpose. Consent for data collection and storage may be withdrawn at any time with effect for the future. You can find further information in Google’s terms and conditions here.

  1. Online marketing networks

7.1                     Use of Google Maps

This website uses Google Maps to display maps and generate route maps. Google Maps is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. By using this website, you agree to Google, one of its representatives or third-party providers recording, processing and using automatically collected data or data you have given. For more information, please go to Terms of use of Google Maps and the opt-out procedure at: .

7.2                     Use of Facebook Ads

We use communication tools of the social network Facebook, particularly the Custom Audiences and Website Custom Audiences product operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). In doing so, an irreversible and non-personal hash total is generated from your usage data that can be transmitted to Facebook for analysis and marketing purposes. The Facebook cookie is used for the Website Custom Audiences product. Please read Facebook’s data privacy guidelines for further information on the purpose and scope of data collection and further processing and use of data by Facebook as well as your privacy setting options, which can be found at and . If you would like to reject Facebook Website Custom Audiences, you can do so at

7.3                     Use of SiteMinder channel manager

For bookings and queries via external booking platforms, our website uses techniques of the channel manager of SiteMinder Distribution Limited, Waterfront, Hammersmith Embankment, Manbre Road, London W6 9RH, United Kingdom (“SiteMinder”).

Your data are neither sold, leased or made available in any other way to third parties.  Please visit the website of SiteMinder Distribution Limited at for more information on the terms of use and information on data protection.

  1. Third-party services – information on the use of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube

On the basis of our legitimate interests under Article 6 (1) f GDPR, we use the plug-ins listed below to analyse and optimise our offers.

Our website uses social plug-ins (“plug-ins”) of the social networks Facebook, microblogging services Twitter and Instagram as well as the service from YouTube. These services are offered by the companies Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc., Instagram LLC. and YouTube (“providers”).

Facebook is operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA (“Facebook”). You can obtain an overview of Facebook plug-ins and their structure here:

Twitter is operated by Twitter Inc., 1355 Market St, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA (“Twitter”). You can find an overview of Twitter buttons and what they look like here:

Instagram is operated by Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Instagram”). You can find an overview of Instagram buttons and what they look like here:

YouTube is operated by Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“YouTube”). You can find further information on YouTube here:

If you access one of our website pages containing a plug-in of this type, your browser establishes a direct connection to the servers of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. The content of the plug-in is transferred from the respective provider directly to your browser, which incorporates it in the website. By incorporating the plug-in, the providers are notified that your browser has visited the corresponding page of our website, even if you do not have a profile or you are not even logged in. This information (including your IP address) is transmitted directly to the USA to a server of the respective provider and stored there.

If you are logged in to one of the services, the providers can directly assign your visit to our website to your profile on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube. If you interact with the plug-ins, for example if you press the “Like”, “Twitter” or “Instagram” buttons, the corresponding information is also transferred directly to the server of one of the providers where it is stored there. The information is also published and shown to your contacts on the social networks on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. Please consult the data privacy statements of those providers for the purpose and scope of data collection and for the further processing and use of data by the providers as well as your rights and privacy setting options:

Privacy statement of Facebook:

Privacy statement of Twitter:

Privacy statement of Instagram:

Privacy statement of YouTube:  

If you do not want Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or YouTube to assign the data collected through our website to your profile in the respective service, you must log out of the relevant service before visiting our website. You can also fully prevent the loading of plug-ins with add-ons for your browser, e.g. with the script blocker “NoScript” (

  1. Usage and disclosure of collected data to third parties

We use the personal data you have made available solely on an internal basis for the advised and agreed purposes:

-          operation of our internet websites

-          for the performance of accommodation services and related additional services

-          or very generally for answering your queries.

As such, data may be forwarded to the following recipients:

-          public bodies or authorities that request data under statutory regulations (e.g. tax authorities, social security agencies, municipal administrations, courts)

-          internal functions involved in the execution and performance of the respective business processes (e.g. HR, Accounting, Marketing, Sales, IT, Legal) as well as to other Hapimag companies, if data subjects have given their written consent or transmission is permitted out of overriding legitimate interests

-          external contractors (service companies) under Article 28 GDPR

-          other external bodies (e.g. banks, debt collection agencies, credit card companies, travel and indemnity insurance companies).

If you use our services, we only collect the personal data we need to provide the requested services. Any additional data collection is made on a voluntary basis and solely to safeguard our own legitimate business interests.

We only process and use your data with your express consent, or if there is legal justification, for the purposes of advice, marketing and market research. You may withdraw your declaration of consent at any time. Your data are neither sold, leased nor made available in any other way to third parties. Any processors specifically remain reserved. The transmission of personal data to government institutions and authorities is carried out solely within the framework of compulsory national legal provisions.

  1. Guaranteeing security in data processing

Hapimag uses dedicated technical and organisational  measures in accordance with relevant legal provisions to protect your data, which we manage against unlawful or unintended manipulation, loss, destruction or access by unauthorised  persons. Our security measures are being constantly improved in line with technological developments to guarantee the protection aims of confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data.

  1. Time limits for deleting data

Your personal data are only saved for as long as the purpose for which they were collected and processed has been fulfilled. Statutory storage obligations and time limits remain reserved. After these time limits expire, personal data are routinely deleted and, if they are in paper form, destroyed according to data protection requirements and in observance of specific precautions.

  1. Data transmission to other countries

Data may only be transmitted to other countries as part of contract fulfilment, necessary communication as well as due to other exceptions expressly provided for in the relevant data protection laws.

Currently there is an exchange of guest master data between the Hapimag Sea Garden Hotel in Bodrum and the Hapimag Headquarter in Steinhausen (Switzerland). The European Community considers Switzerland's level of data protection to be equivalent and appropriate. No data are transmitted to other countries, particularly those where data protection is deemed to be low, and there are currently no plans to do so.

  1. Rights of data subjects

Under GDPR, the data subject has the following rights over how his or her personal data are handled:

-          Article 15: Right of access

-          Article 16: Right to rectification

-          Article 17: Right to erasure

-          Article 18: Right to restriction of processing

-          Article 20: Right to data portability

-          Article 21: Right to object

There is also a right to lodge a complaint with a responsible data protection supervisory authority (Article 77 GDPR).

You may withdraw your consent for us to process your personal data at any time. This also applies to the withdrawal of declarations of consent that were given to us before the effective date of the GDPR, i.e. before 25 May 2018. Please note that withdrawal is only effective for the future. Processing carried out prior to the withdrawal is not affected by this.

  1. Right to object under Article 21 GDPR

14.1                     Specific right to object

You have the right to enter an objection (for reasons based on your particular situation) at any time against the processing of personal data concerning you that is carried out on the basis of Article 6 (1) e GDPR (data processing in the public interest) and Article 6 (1) f GDPR (data processing on the basis of the balance of interests).

If you enter an objection, we will no longer process your personal data, unless we can prove compelling legitimate reasons to do so that override your interests, rights and freedoms or the processing is used for asserting, exercising or protecting legal claims.

14.2                     Right to object to processing of data for the purposes of direct marketing

In specific cases, we process your personal data to carry out direct marketing. You have the right at any time to object to the processing of data related to you for the purposes of such marketing.




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