It's time to experience ancient philosophical yoga, which concerns body and mind discipline at the same time, with our teacher. Yoga, where you can use your body as a tool and open the spiritual doors, will make you see different worlds in the appropriate nature of Hapimag Sea Garden Resort Bodrum.

Our Yoga Types

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga, which improves our physical fitness and mental balance, is a session in which different complementary energies are balanced, physical awareness is high, and includes a soft flow.

The goal of Hatha Yoga is to purify the body and help clear the blockages in the mind and body. It balances the body and the body through physical postures and exercises, ie asanas, through controlled breathing, relaxation and calming through meditation.

Kids Yoga

Children's yoga, which is a set of movements consisting of individual and paired exercises combined with a sense of responsibility, helps children to develop balance, increase concentration and focus, relax the mind, help children express themselves, develop their imagination and increase their creativity, as well as strong body and mind. It has benefits such as guiding them to be individuals.

Children who started yoga in the early period spend their adolescence more comfortably.
Yoga enables children to be more tolerant and free of prejudice towards their environment and individuals.

3-7 age group children in yoga; games, stories are also included. Including games and stories also increases the child's self-confidence.
While children are having fun with Kids Yoga, flexibility, strength, relaxation and concentration are provided.

Aim of 8-15 age group children's yoga; It is to balance the harmony of body, mind and soul and to ensure that the child continues life with this balance, to help the development of problem-solving ability and to express himself correctly.


It is an exercise system developed by Joseph Pilates to strengthen muscles, increase flexibility and improve the overall health of the body.

Increases bone density
Supports weight loss
Provides strengthening of back muscles
Strengthens the abdominal muscles
Prevents injuries
Increases flexibility
Improves body posture
Improves cardiovascular fitness.

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